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目前,电化学研究的基本仪器恒电位仪常配以扫描信号发生器及X-Y记录仪,示波器等测量装置,不仅价格高,使用不便,而且对于瞬态过程的测量,X-Y记录仪响应速度不够,用示波器虽可快速记录,但精度不高.用记录仪或示波器测得响应曲线,必须通过读图测数才能得到能用于计算的数据.这对于数据量很大的实验,如对扫描伏安图进行积分、卷积变换等引起困难.我们用APPLE-Ⅱ微机系统,包括12位AD/DA接口及价廉的PP40绘图打印机,用来控制并采集数据,不仅有足够高的精度,还有相当快的响应速度,得到的数字化结果可存入磁盘随时调用,绘制的图形可直接供文献使用. At present, the basic potentiostat of electrochemistry is often equipped with scanning signal generator, XY recorder and oscilloscope. It not only has high price and inconvenience to use, but also has not enough response speed to the transient process, Although the use of oscilloscopes can be quickly recorded, but not accurate.Record curve measured by the recorder or oscilloscope, you must read the graph to get the data can be used for calculation.This is a large amount of data experiments, such as scanning volt Antu difficult points, convolution transform, etc. We use APPLE-Ⅱ microcomputer system, including 12 AD / DA interface and cheap PP40 plot printer, used to control and collect data, not only with high accuracy, but also Have a very fast response speed, the resulting digital results can be stored in disk calls at any time, the graphics can be drawn directly for the use of the literature.
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