坚持“四心”服务理念 展示央企服务品质——记中航集团开展“迎世博迎亚运讲文明树新风”活动

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举世瞩目的2010年世博会正在上海举行,广州亚运会也将在11月拉开序幕。今年5月以来,作为世博会、亚运会航空运输保障的直接参与者,中国航空集团公司按照国资委党委的要求,在以国航为服务主体的各窗口服务单位,精心组织,广泛动员,周密部署,结合企业实际,坚持放心、顺心、舒心、动心的“四心”服务理念和宗旨,深入开展了以“规范服务、优质服务、诚信服务、满意服务”为主要内容的“迎世博迎亚运讲文明树新风·文明服务央企先行”活动。活动经过启动响应、宣传展示阶段,目前已经进入服务竞赛阶段。 World-renowned 2010 World Expo is being held in Shanghai, Guangzhou Asian Games will also kick-off in November. Since May this year, as the direct participant in the air transport security for the World Expo and the Asian Games, China Aviation Group Company, in accordance with the requirements of the SASAC party committee, carefully organized, extensively mobilized and carefully deployed various window service units taking Air China as the service main body, Based on the actual conditions of the enterprise, adhere to the service concept and purpose of being assured, satisfying, comfortable and tempting, deeply embarking on the principle of “standardizing service, excellent service, honest service and satisfying service” as the main content Welcome to the World Expo Asian Games speak civilization tree fresh air civilization services first "activity. After the launch of the event response, publicity and display stage, has now entered the service phase of the contest.
信贷文化的含义 在信贷政策、程序、审计和控制的全过程,每个单位都有一套多年形成的主流习惯做法、机构安排、思维方式等等。这些占支配地位的习惯与做法的总和,就构成了信
先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)术后重症监护的重要职责之一是维持血流动力学稳定以保证足够的组织氧供。目前,直接脉搏轮廓记录分析法(pressure recording analy