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哈维·W.阿瑟所做的名为《公平工作:21世纪的联邦劳动标准——联邦劳工标准审查报告》(以下简称《阿瑟报告》)的报告除了综述和九个附件外,共分十一章,即第一章,简介;第二章,新经济,变化中的社会和劳工标准的新议程;第三章,适合联邦司法的劳工标准;第四章,劳工标准立法的影响范围;第五章,雇佣合同:理解和公平交易;第六章,权利和尊重;第七章,加班时间控制;第八章,雇佣合同终止;第九章,遵守;第十章,多数劳工需要的保护;第十一章,动态经济中的劳工标准。其中,作者花了大量篇幅对加班时间控制问题(报告第七章)作了讨论。虽然该报告的有些内容、想法在当时的环境下具有超前性,并没有被立法者所采纳,但是它所具有的理论和学术价值并没有因此而丧失。尤其值得一提的是:该报告表明了阿瑟特别强调劳动法学研究必须关注经济现实的要求。毫无疑问,这一主张对于我国国内劳动法学研究无疑具有启示意义。为了让国内劳动立法者和社会法学界更详细了解该报告的内容,加大对加拿大劳动法制的研究,推动我国劳动法制历程,《社会法学研究》将陆续刊载该报告的内容,以飨读者。本期刊载《阿瑟报告》之综述和第一章。 A report by Harvey W. Arthur entitled “Fair Jobs: A Federal Labor Standards for the Twenty-first Century - Federal Labor Standards Review Report,” (hereafter referred to as the “Arthur Report”), in addition to a review and nine annexes, Chapter XI, Introduction; Chapter II, New Economy, New Agenda for Changing Social and Labor Standards; Chapter III, Labor Standards Fitting Federal Justice; Chapter IV, Implications for Labor Standards Legislation Chapter V, Employment Contracts: Understanding and Fair Trading; Chapter 6, Rights and Respects; Chapter 7, Overtime Control; Chapter 8, Termination of Employment Contracts; Chapter 9, Compliance; Chapter 10, Most Labor Necessary protection; Chapter XI, Labor Standards in a Dynamic Economy. Among them, the author spent a lot of space on the control of overtime hours (Chapter VII of the report) was discussed. Although some of the contents and ideas of the report were advanced in the prevailing circumstances and were not adopted by legislators, their theoretical and academic values ​​were not lost. In particular, it is worth noting that the report shows Arthur’s special emphasis on the fact that labor law research must focus on economic realities. Undoubtedly, this proposition undoubtedly has enlightenment significance for the study of domestic labor law in our country. In order to allow domestic labor legislators and social legal academics to understand the content of the report in detail, to increase the study of Canada’s labor law and to promote the process of our labor law, “Social Law Research” will be published one after another in order to readers. This issue contains an overview of the Arthur’s Report and Chapter One.
一、什么是肾性贫血  成年人的血红蛋白值,若男性<13.5z/d1,女性<12.0g/dl,即为贫血。慢性肾脏病随着病情的发展,常常会出现贫血,且随着肾损害的不断加重,贫血日趋严重。肾功能衰竭晚期尿毒症患者,几乎百分之百会出现贫血并发症。这种由肾脏病造成的贫血,称为肾性贫血。慢性肾病患者一旦并发肾性贫血,常外在表现为面色萎黄、眼结膜苍白、唇甲苍白无光泽等症状。  二、肾性贫血的病理  肾损害后为什
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