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自主创新是国家竞争力的核心,也是企业生存和发展的关键。自主创新是支撑一个国家、一个民族、一个企业在激励的国际竞争中立于不败之地的主心骨。企业是国民经济的细胞,只有企业的自主创新能力得到提升,国家的整体创新能力才能得到增强。自党的十七大提出“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家”以来,我国各级政府在营造促进企业自主创新的政策和法制环境方面做了大量工作,企业自主创新能力明显提高,但仍存在着诸如保障和促进企业自主创新的政策、法律制度不完善、企业自主创新主体地位不突出、自 Independent innovation is the core of national competitiveness and also the key to the survival and development of enterprises. Independent innovation is the backbone supporting the invincibility of a country, a nation and an enterprise in stimulating international competition. Enterprises are the cells of the national economy. Only when the independent innovation capability of enterprises is enhanced, can the overall national innovation capability be enhanced. Since the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed “improving the capability of independent innovation and building an innovative country,” our governments at all levels have done a great deal of work in creating a policy and legal environment for promoting independent innovation of enterprises and have markedly improved the capability of independent innovation. However, there are still some policies such as guaranteeing and promoting independent innovation of enterprises, the legal system is imperfect and the status of the main body of independent innovation of enterprises is not prominent. Since
片段一:(老师出示一张卧室的图片。)师:Look at the bedroom!How nice!This is my bedroom.I sleep in the bedroom every night.(作睡觉状)Now,answer my question:“Where
金鸡摄像头造型活泼可爱,把摄像头隐藏在小鸡的身体上,有多种颜色供选择。金鸡摄像头材质为韩国 EF面料。尺寸为座姿13厘米。图像传感器为350000像素,插 Rooster camera st
继1988年浙江省科协组织七个省级学会召开“浙江省能源、经济与环境研讨会”之后,1995年5月 19日~20日,浙江省科协又组织了省能源研究会、省未来研究会、省环境科学学会、省电
我们的教育,特别是中学教育的最大失败就在于,把这如此有趣、如此让人神往的读书变得如此功利、如此的累,让学生害怕读书。 Our greatest failure in education, especially