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2017年“少儿报刊阅读季”启动近日,国家新闻出版广电总局在京举办2017年“少儿报刊阅读季”活动启动仪式,拉开了精品少儿报刊阅读推广活动的序幕。据了解,今年的“少儿报刊阅读季”活动从4月23日开始至10月31日结束,历时半年,由全国少儿报刊单位、报刊管理部门、中小学校、少年儿童等共同参与。在阅读季期间,总局将组织捐赠优秀 2017 “Children’s Newspaper Reading Quarter” Launched Recently, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television held the kick-off ceremony for 2017 in “Children’s Newspaper Reading Season” in Beijing, opening the prelude of reading activities of children’s newspapers and periodicals. It is learned that this year’s “Children’s Newspaper Reading Season” started from April 23 to October 31 and lasted for six months and was jointly attended by children’s newspapers and periodicals units, newspapers and periodicals administration departments, primary and secondary schools, children and children in the country. During the reading season, the Administration will organize donations outstanding
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Objective:To determine suitable phytochemical extraction solvents,screen for phytochemicals,determine the total phenol and flavonoid contents and the antioxidan
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