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滑坡是一种表生地质现象,其产生与地质构造紧密相关.它是在特定的地质环境中,由于以重力为主的自然营力或其与人类工程建设活动相互作用而发生和发展的.随着现代工程活动的迅速发展,国内外越来越多地涉及到性质和规模不同的滑坡.Vaiont滑坡是典型实例,2.6亿立米的岩体滑入水库,导致262米高拱坝失效;其它如美、加、日、苏、西、捷以及我国的铁道、水道、露天采场的滑坡事故,可见诸于有关书刊.这些都是发生于现今地表的滑坡.其实,不同地质历史期的古老滑坡,已逐渐发现和研究,这就是构造地质学中所称的“重力滑动构造”.由于这种封存于地下因剥蚀而露头的古滑坡构造特征在许多方面近似于掩复体,所以就引起了构造地质界的论战.甚或引伸到掩复体构造采用滑坡作用予以解释;相反,古老超巨型滑坡有人又试图采用一般构造成因来解释.Jacoby对岩石滑坡及板块构造机制的异同点做了对比.认为:板块可视为巨大范围的岩石滑坡,两者都是由于物质分布的非均一性和重力的不稳定性而导致位移的.移动的相同基础是软弱“导向面”.许靖华用浊流及颗粒流理论对滑坡堆积作用做了研究.徐邦栋、潘家铮等对滑坡力学作过分析.胡海涛等分析过黄土滑坡的结构、构造特征.看来,滑坡研究不仅具有工程实践方面的意义,而且也有一定的理论 Landslide is a superficial geological phenomenon, whose production is closely related to the geological structure, which occurs and develops in a specific geological environment due to gravity-based natural forces or their interaction with human-engineering construction activities. With the rapid development of modern engineering activities, more and more landslides of different nature and scale are involved at home and abroad .Vaiont landslide is a typical example. 260 million cubic meters of rock mass slide into reservoirs, resulting in failure of 262 meters high arch dams; Such as the United States, Canada, Japan, the Soviet Union, West, Czech Republic and China’s railways, waterways, open pit stope landslides can be seen in the relevant books and periodicals.This is a landslide occurred in the current surface.In fact, the different geological history of the ancient Landslides, which have been gradually discovered and studied, are what are termed “gravity-sliding structures” in tectonic geology, which are caused in many ways by the structural features of ancient landslides that have been exposed underground due to denudation The controversy over the tectonics of the geology, even extending to the structure of the concealed massif, is explained by the use of landslides; on the contrary, some attempts were made to explain the general tectonic mecha- nisms of the ancient super giant landslides, The similarities and differences between landslides and plate tectonics are contrasted, suggesting that the plate can be considered as a large range of landslides, both of which are displaced due to the heterogeneity of material distribution and the instability of gravity. Xu Jingdong and Pan Jiazheng analyzed the mechanics of landslide.Huhai Tao analyzed the structure and tectonic features of the loess landslide.It seems that the landslide Research not only has the meaning of engineering practice, but also has some theory
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