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中日甲午战争以中国全面失败结局。尽管战争中中国军民涌现出许许多多英勇悲壮,可歌可泣的事迹,但由于满清政府的腐败无能,丧权辱国,对此战有功者的表彰,更是凤毛麟角,十分罕见!然而,就在这罕见的受奖者中,竟有一位英国医生—阿瑟·道奥斯卫特。光绪皇帝授予他以及他的 Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese Fight with Overall Failed Outcome of China. Despite the many heroic and epic miracles of the Chinese military and civilians in the war, it is very rare for the Manchu government’s corruption and incompetence, its humiliation and humiliation, and the commendation of its war and meritorious service. However, it is rare here Out of the winners, there was a British physician, Arthur Dow Austinat. Guangxu emperor granted him and his
Atmospheric corrosion monitoring (ACM) sensors were employed to study the initial atmospheric corrosion,of carbon steels over a one-month period in six outdoor
In this study,the microstructure and tensile properties of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg at elevated temperature were investigated with focus on the interfaci
The mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of as-cast,as-annealed and hot-rolled nickel-aluminum bronze(NAB)alloy(Cu-9Al-10Ni-4Fe-1.2 Mn,all in wt.%)in 3.5
The columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) or the formation of stray grains in the laser melting deposition is the least desirable for the repair of single-cryst
The stresses around bubbles formed on a coating/substrate interface under hydrostatic pressure (HP)and alternating hydrostatic pressure (AHP) were calculated us
This work aimed to study the comprehensive effects of photo-oxidation and biodegradation on different failure stages of polyester coatings,which were exposed to
2012年9月7日,西洋古董商、行业专家、藏家与爱好者从国内各地及海外汇集历史名城西安,参加“2012西洋古董·艺术品博览会”。本届博览会由陕西文化产业投资控股(集团)有限公司主办,陕西炎黄收藏文化发展有限责任公司和《收藏》杂志社联合承办。西安曲江国际会展中心一时间成为行业焦点。那么,这一迄今为止国内最高级别的西洋古董专业博览会到底为收藏市场带来哪些信息呢?  为什么是西安  提到西安,人们立即会
The tailored nanoparticles with a complex core/shell structure can satisfy a variety of demands,such as lattice misfit,shearability and coarsening resistance.In