奢侈品消费 应量力而行

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最近,因为央视调查比较了星巴克拿铁中杯咖啡在北京、芝加哥、伦敦、孟买的价格,得出星巴克在中国售价偏高的结论,遭到了各种各样的吐槽,有把批评上升到违反马克思主义新闻观、不懂商品定价规律的,也有娱乐、嘲笑的。在中国,咖啡算不上大众饮品,充其量是某些具有小资情怀的人去光顾,算得上是饮料中的“奢侈品”。笔者不喝咖啡,自然对拿铁咖啡多少钱一杯没兴趣,真正有兴趣的是近些年不断加温的奢侈品消费热。中国人了解奢侈品是从改革开放以后开始的,而真正购买可能是从20世纪90年代,笔者真正见识LV皮包就是在那时。记得一次去美国采访,某电视台记者花了1000多美元买了一个LV的小手包。外表一点不出色的一个小包,却要1万多人民币!上世纪90年代初,1万多块钱可不是个小数目,我们直咂舌。后来,随着出国 Recently, CCTV survey compared the price of Starbucks Latte Cups in Beijing, Chicago, London and Mumbai to conclude that the selling price of Starbucks is high in China. It has been subjected to a variety of reasons and has risen to criticism. Violation of the Marxist press concept, do not understand the law of commodity pricing, but also entertainment, ridiculed. In China, coffee is not really popular drinks, at best, some people with petty bourgeoisie to patronize, regarded as the drink “luxury ”. I do not drink coffee, how much a cup of latte naturally not interested in the real interest in recent years, heating up the luxury consumer spending. Chinese people understand the luxury goods from the reform and opening up later, and the real purchase may be from the 20th century, 90 years, I really know LV purse is at that time. I remember once going to the United States to interview, a TV reporter spent more than 1,000 dollars to buy a LV handbag. The appearance of a small bag is not good, but to more than 10,000 yuan! In the early 90s of last century, more than 10,000 yuan is not a small number, we straight. Later, with going abroad
智能手机受机身结构的制约,前置摄像头的素质普遍不如后置。而华为荣耀7i最大的卖点,就是给予了摄像头可旋转的能力,前即是后,确保每一张自拍或正常拍摄照片的效果。  和前辈荣耀7相比,荣耀7i延续了5.2英寸1080P屏幕设计,只是将一体式的金属后盖换成了玻璃材质,并将后置的指纹识别器移到了机身左侧,给人的感觉更像是荣耀6的进阶版。侧置指纹识别模块使用起来非常顺手,正常持握时左手的拇指、右手食指都能恰
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