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对我院1997-12~2004-06手术后急性非结石性胆囊炎12例分析如下.1 临床资料本组男9例,女3例,平均55.5岁.发生时间2~40 d,平均13.6 d.有输血史7例.前次近端、远端及全胃切除术8例,贲门周围血管离断术、子宫切除、右半结肠切除、Miles术各1例.临床表现右上腹痛或隐痛7例,发热8例,白细胞升高10例,恶心呕吐5例,黄疸2例,Muphy征8例.
1 对象和方法1.1 对象 2000-01~2004-06我院住院阴道分娩、产后子宫收缩乏力所致产后出血的产妇83例,年龄20~38岁.其中初产妇36例,经产妇47例;孕周37~41+5周,平均39+3周;全部患
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Inferior crude oil and fuel oil upgrading lead to escalating increase of hydrogen consumption in refineries.It is imperative to reduce the hydrogen consumption
1 病历摘要女,31岁。因药流后40d,同房后阴道大出血近20min,于2005—07—16T02:00入院。患者孕。产1,1a前行剖宫产术,断奶38d。因停经2个多月,B超提示早孕,双顶径1.9cm,于2005-06-07在
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The development of a benign environmental catalyst for the generation of biodiesel is an area of importance to reduce the overall usage of fossil fuels.In the c
This paper focused on the corrosion resistance of cold spray Al–Al_2O_3composite coatings used on carbon steel pipe surfaces under thermal insulation. Al–Al_2
1 病例报告男,71岁.因直肠癌于2001-05行直肠癌根治术,术后0.5 a发现肝转移先后3次行射频热凝治疗,最后1次治疗后1个月(即入院前0.5 a),出现咳嗽、咳痰,痰先为白色粘液,后转
A large number of surplus glycerol from the biodiesel production can be used as renewable feedstock to produce glycerol carbonate. In this paper, a series of gu