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  本期“地道英文”,小编给大家奉上英国现代最杰出的幽默大师Jerome K. Jerome的一篇佳作《论情绪低落》,一起来看看作者如何融幽默和哲理于一体,如何用凝练而优美的语言将“情绪低落”这一状态描写得生动而精彩。
  杰罗姆•K•杰罗姆(1859—1927),英国小说家、散文家和剧作家,出生于英格兰斯坦福郡,从小受到良好的教育,嗜好阅读。14岁起,他便开始在铁路部门做办事员。此后,他又当过教师、演员和记者。1888年,他出版了幽默小说Three Men in a Boat(《三人同舟》)和散文集Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow(《闲人遐想录》,本文选自此书)两本书,并取得了巨大的成功,其他的代表作品有Diary of a Pilgrimage(《朝圣日记》)、Three Men on the Bummel(《三人同游》)等。
  I can enjoy feeling melancholy, and there is a good deal of satisfaction about being thoroughly miserable; but nobody likes a 2)fit of the blues. Nevertheless, everybody has them; notwithstanding which, nobody can tell why. There is no accounting for them. You are just as likely to have one on the day after you have 3)come into a large fortune as on the day after you have left your new silk umbrella in the train. Its effect upon you is somewhat similar to what would probably be produced by a combined attack of toothache, indigestion, and 4)cold in the head. You become stupid, restless, and irritable; rude to strangers and dangerous toward your friends; clumsy, 5)maudlin, and 6)quarrelsome; a nuisance to yourself and everybody about you.
  While it is on you can do nothing and think of nothing, though feeling at the time bound to do something. You can’t sit still so put on your hat and go for a walk; but before you get to the corner of the street you wish you hadn’t come out and you turn back. You open a book and try to read, but you find Shakespeare 7)trite and 8)commonplace, Dickens is dull and 9)prosy, 10)Thackeray a bore, and 11)Carlyle too sentimental. You throw the book aside and 12)call the author names. Then you “13)shoo” the cat out of the room and kick the door to after her. You think you will write your letters, but after 14)sticking at “Dearest Auntie: I find I have five minutes to spare, and so hasten to write to you,” for a quarter of an hour, without being able to think of another sentence.
  By this time you feel completely crushed. You bury your face in your hands and think you would like to die and go to heaven. You picture to yourself your own sick-bed, with all your friends and relations standing round you weeping. You bless them all, especially the young and pretty ones. They will value you when you are gone, so you say to yourself, and learn too late what they have lost; and you bitterly contrast their presumed regard for you then with their decided want of 15)veneration now.
  These reflections make you feel a little more cheerful, but only for a brief period; for the next moment you think what a fool you must be to imagine for an instant that anybody would be sorry at anything that might happen to you. Who would care two 16)straws (whatever precise amount of care two straws may represent) whether you are blown up, or hung up, or married, or drowned? Nobody cares for you. You never have been properly appreciated, never met with your due 17)deserts in any one particular. You review the whole of your past life, and it is painfully apparent that you have been 18)ill-used from your cradle.
  Half an hour’s indulgence in these considerations works you up into a state of savage fury against everybody and everything, especially yourself, whom 19)anatomical reasons alone prevent your kicking. Bed-time at last comes, to save you from doing something rash, and you spring upstairs, throw off your clothes, leaving them 20)strewn all over the room, blow out the candle, and jump into bed as if you had 21)backed yourself for a heavy 22)wager to do the whole thing against time. There you toss and tumble about for a couple of hours or so, varying the 23)monotony by occasionally jerking the clothes off and getting out and putting them on again. At length you drop into an uneasy and 24)fitful slumber, have bad dreams, and wake up late the next morning.
  The symptoms of the 25)infirmity are much the same in every case, but the 26)affliction itself is variously termed. The poet says that “a feeling of sadness comes o’er” him. As for myself, I generally say that “I have a strange, unsettled feeling to-night” and “think I’ll go out.” By the way, it never does come except in the evening. In the sun-time, when the world is bounding forward full of life, we cannot stay to sigh and 27)sulk. The roar of the working day drowns the voices of the 28)elfin 29)sprites that are ever singing their low-toned 30)Miserere in our ears. In the day we are angry, disappointed, or indignant, but never “in the blues” and never melancholy. When things go wrong at ten o’clock in the morning we—or rather you—swear and 31)knock the furniture about; but if the misfortune comes at ten P.M., we read poetry or sit in the dark and think what a hollow world this is.
  But, as a rule, it is not trouble that makes us melancholy. The actuality is too stern a thing for sentiment. We linger to weep over a picture, but from the original we should quickly turn our eyes away. There is no 32)pathos in real misery, no 33)luxury in real grief. We do not 34)toy with sharp swords nor hug a 35)gnawing fox to our breast for choice. When a man or woman loves to 36)brood over a sorrow and takes care to keep it 37)green in their memory, you may be sure it is no longer a pain to them. However they may have suffered from it at first, the recollection has become by then a pleasure. Tears are as sweet as laughter to some natures. The 38)proverbial Englishman, we know from old 39)chronicler 40)Froissart, takes his pleasures sadly, and the Englishwoman goes a step further and takes her pleasures in sadness itself.
  I am not sneering. I would not for a moment sneer at anything that helps to keep hearts tender in this hard old world. We men are cold and common-sensed enough for all; we would not have women the same. No, no, ladies dear, be always sentimental and soft-hearted, as you are—be the soothing butter to our 41)coarse dry bread. Why assume that a 42)doubled-up body, a contorted, purple face, and a 43)gaping mouth emitting a series of 44)ear-splitting shrieks point to a state of more intelligent happiness than a 45)pensive face 46)reposing upon a little white hand, and a pair of gentle tear-dimmed eyes looking back through Time’s dark avenue upon a fading past?
  I am glad when I see Regret walked with as a friend—glad because I know the saltness has been washed from out the tears, and that the sting must have been 47)plucked from the beautiful face of Sorrow 48)ere we dare press her pale lips to ours. Time has laid his healing hand upon the wound when we can look back upon the pain we once fainted under and no bitterness or despair rises in our hearts. The burden is no longer heavy when we have for our past troubles only the same sweet mingling of pleasure and pity that we feel when 49)Tom and 50)Maggie Tulliver, clasping hands through the mists that have divided them, go down, locked in each other’s arms, beneath the swollen waters of the Floss.
  Talking of poor Tom and Maggie Tulliver brings to my mind a saying of 51)George Eliot’s in connection with this subject of melancholy. She speaks somewhere of the “sadness of a summer’s evening.” How wonderfully true—like everything that came from that wonderful pen—the observation is! Who has not felt the sorrowful enchantment of those lingering sunsets? The world belongs to Melancholy then, a thoughtful deep-eyed maiden who loves not the glare of day. It is not till “light thickens and the crow wings to the rocky wood” that she steals forth from her groves. Her palace is in twilight land. It is there she meets us. At her shadowy gate she takes our hand in hers and walks beside us through her mystic realm. We see no form, but seem to hear the rustling of her wings…
Far away, I feel your beating heart  All alone beneath the crystal stars  And staring into space  What a lonely face  I try to find my place with you  *What a beautiful smile  Can I stay for a while  
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