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为深入贯彻落实党的十七届三中全会精神,推动深入学习实践科学发展观活动,全面推进农村改革发展,陕西省从2008年10月20日开始,掀起了一场宣讲文件、共谋思路、征求意见、解决问题的宣讲活动,专门从省、市、县、乡四级机关、事业单位抽调了8.8万多名干部,选派到全省2.7万多个行政村,与农村基层群众同吃同住同劳动,集中一周时间为农民群众讲文件、谋思路、出点子、促发展。《驻村日记》作者在日记中记录了在陕南乡村宣讲全会精神的活动片段。同时,真实地展示了改革开放以来农村天翻地覆的变化,以及在党中央惠民政策的鼓舞下,农民群众欢欣鼓舞进行新农村建设的精神风貌。本刊特节选其部分日记,以飨读者。 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, promote in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development activities, and comprehensively promote the reform and development in rural areas, Shaanxi Province, starting from October 20, 2008, set off a preaching document and consummated ideas , Soliciting opinions and resolving problems. More than 88,000 cadres were specially dispatched from provincial, municipal, county and township level agencies and public institutions to more than 27,000 administrative villages across the province to share with the rural grass-roots masses Live with the same labor, focus on a week for the masses of farmers to talk about documents, ideas, ideas, and development. The author of Diary in the Village recorded in his diary a fragment of the activity that preached the spirit of the plenary session in the rural areas of southern Shaanxi. At the same time, it has truly demonstrated the tremendous changes in rural areas since the reform and opening up and inspired by the CPC Central Committee’s policy of benefiting the people. The peasant masses are delighted to embark on the spirit of building a new socialist countryside. The journal has selected some of its diaries to readers.
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