The Bellwether of Tianjin Women

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flordkk
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IN 1988, when Wang Zhiqiu was transferred from her post as the deputy director of the city’s Bureau of Light Industry to work with the Women’s Federation of Tianjin Municipality, the 42-year-old woman cadre thought to herself: “Am I already so old that I should be put in such an idle position?” Wang was not alone in her ambivalence. To many people, the women’s federation was an organization IN 1988, when Wang Zhiqiu was transferred from her post as the deputy director of the city’s Bureau of Light Industry to work with the Women’s Federation of Tianjin Municipality, the 42-year-old woman cadre thought to herself: “Am I already so old that I should be put in such an idle position? ”Wang was not alone in her ambivalence. To many people, the women’s federation was an organization
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我国的古代书画作品,历来真伪杂陈。尤其是一些著名书画家,代笔、冒仿者尤多,赵氏更不例外。此件《金刚经》未经专家鉴定,真伪尚难定论,现刊布于众,供专家们研究鉴定。 Anci
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