A Visit to Xianling Tomb

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  In my hometown everyone knows its name: Xianling Tomb. It’s one of the greatest tombs of Ming Dynasty.
  Over years I’ve always been dreaming of visiting it. In the end I made it. On National Day, it was sunny. My friends and I paid a visit to it.
  We rode bikes there, singing, talking and laughing all the way. As soon as we got there, we were all shocked by its grand and beauty. In front of us there’s a huge pond. The water is very clean and the fish swim happily. Another beautiful view appeared—tens of lively characters, like stone men, horses, lions and other animals before us. We flew there excitedly, jumping up and down and taking photos. After a break, we walked on. We walked along the stone path. Without a tense we came to its center—the tombs of the emperor’s parents. We ran to the gate, climbed up the wall, enjoyed the tombs. You can’t imagine the two tombs seem to be two hills. They lie there with green trees.
  Then we came to another spot—the Carve of a Dog. Everyone tried to enter it, but it’s too small. After that we began to blow the mouths of dragons. We held our breath to blow them one by one. All the mouths can make sound. Isn’t it amazing to see ninety-nine heads of dragons face ninety-nine hills in different directions?
  It’s time to say good-bye to it!Watching faraway
  mountains and the huge old buildings in front, I thought a lot. How smart our ancestors were!I’ll never forget this meaningful trip.
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