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目的:研究纳米银妇女外用抗菌凝胶在兔体内的吸收和分布情况,以了解纳米银凝胶是否具有在体内迁移和蓄积的特性。方法:将成年新西兰雌兔经阴道注入纳米银凝胶,给药剂量为0.575 g.kg-1.d-1,连续给药1个疗程后,在预定时间点解剖并取各动物血液和主要组织器官,利用超高压微波消解系统消解这些组织器官,再用原子吸收光谱仪检测消解液中的银含量。结果:在给药1个疗程后的8 h,纳米银在试验组各组织中的银含量达高峰,与对照组各脏器中银含量进行比较,结果有显著性差异(P<0.05)。其中阴道是纳米银主要的分布器官,其银含量高于其他组织达3倍以上。1周以后各组织中的银含量均大幅度下降,到1个月和3个月后,各试验组脏器中的银含量与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:纳米银凝胶中的纳米银可以通过血液循环系统迁移,并在兔体内各主要脏器肝、肾、脾、子宫、阴道等中分布,其中阴道是其主要的分布器官。在采用5倍临床给药剂量1个疗程的情况下,纳米银凝胶1周后在这些脏器中无明显蓄积。在下一步的研究中还需进一步了解纳米银凝胶在体内的状态、进入血液系统的方式和对各部位细胞的影响。 OBJECTIVE: To study the absorption and distribution of topical antimicrobial gels in nano-silver women in rabbits so as to understand whether the nano-silver gels have the characteristics of migration and accumulation in the body. Methods: Adult New Zealand female rabbits were injected vaginally with nano-silver gel at a dosage of 0.575 g.kg-1.d-1. After one course of continuous administration, the animals were dissected at predetermined time points and the blood Tissues and organs, the use of ultra-high pressure microwave digestion system to digest these tissues and organs, and then detect the silver content of the digestion solution by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: After 8 weeks of administration, the silver content of each group in the test group reached a peak, which was significantly different from that in the control group (P <0.05). Among them, the vagina is the main distribution organ of silver and silver, its silver content is more than 3 times higher than other tissues. After 1 week, the content of silver in each tissue decreased significantly. After 1 month and 3 months, the content of silver in each group had no significant difference (P> 0.05) compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: The nanosilver nanosilver gel can migrate through the blood circulation system and distribute in the liver, kidney, spleen, uterus and vagina of rabbits. The vagina is the main distribution organ. In the case of using 5 times of clinical dose of a course of treatment, nano-silver gel after 1 week in these organs no significant accumulation. In the next study, we need to further understand the state of nano-silver gel in the body, the way into the blood system and the impact of various parts of the cells.
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