Down-modulation of heat shock protein 70 and up-modulation of Caspase-3 during schisandrin B-induced

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fugle0908
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AIM: To investigate the effect of schisandrin B (Sch B) on proliferation and apoptosis of human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells in vitro and regulation of Hsp70 and Caspases-3, 7, 9 expression by Sch B.METHODS: Human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721 was cultured and treated with Sch B at various concentrations.Growth suppression was detected with MTT colorimetric assay. Cell apoptosis was confirmed by DNA ladder detection and flow cytometric analysis. The expression of Hsp70,Caspases-3, 7, 9 were analyzed by West blot analysis.RESULTS: Sch B inhibited the growth of hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells in a dose-dependent manner, leading to a 50% decrease in cell number (LC50) value of 23.50 mg/L. Treatment with Sch B resulted in degradation of chromosomal DNA into small intucleosomal fragments, evidenced by the formation of a 180-200 bp DNA ladder on agarose gels.FCM analysis showed the peak areas of subdiploid at the increased concentration of Sch B. The results of West bolt analysis showed that Hsp70 was down-regulated and Caspase-3 was up-regulated, while the activity of Caspases-7,-9 had no significant change.CONCLUSION: Sch B is able to inhibit the proliferation of human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells and induce apoptosis,which goes through Caspase-3-dependent and Caspase-9-independent pathway accompanied with the down-regulation of Hsp70 protein expression at an early event.
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DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn 1673-8799.2010.06.88  作者单位:264400威海市文登中心医院    感染性腹泻是儿科常见病、多发病,大多由病毒、细菌感染引起。据有关资料显示,80%的感染性腹泻是由病毒感染引起的,对于病毒感染性腹泻目前尚无特效治疗方法,我院儿科应用蒲地蓝消炎口服液治疗小儿病毒感染性腹泻,疗效满意,现报道如下。  1 资料与方法  1.1 一般资
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