An insulated gate bipolar transistor with surface n-type barrier

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jianhcn
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This letter proposes a novel IGBT structure with an n-type barrier(NB-IGBT) formed on the silicon surface to enhance the conductivity modulation effect with a relatively simple fabrication process. TCAD simulation indicates that the NB-IGBT offers a current density 49% higher and turn-off losses 25% lower than a conventional field-stop IGBT(FS-IGBT) with a similar breakdown voltage, turn-off time and avalanche energy. Furthermore,the NB-IGBT exhibits extremely large transconductance, which is favorable to turn-on and turn-off. Therefore, the proposed IGBT offers an attractive option for high-voltage and large-power electronics applications. This letter proposes a novel IGBT structure with an n-type barrier (NB-IGBT) formed on the silicon surface to enhance the conductivity modulation effect with a relatively simple fabrication process. TCAD simulation indicates that the NB- Further, the NB-IGBT exhibits extremely large transconductance, which is favorable to turn-on and turn-off. Thus, the proposed IGBT offers an attractive option for high-voltage and large-power electronics applications.
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