Improvement of Magnetic Field on Tribological Properties of Lubricating Oils with Zinc Butyloctyldit

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhhy0822
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Tribological properties of 150 SN mineral oil and the oils doped with different contents of zinc butyloctyldithiophosphate(T202) under magnetic field or non-magnetic field were evaluated on a four-ball tribotester by applying an external magnetic field around the friction region. Moreover, the morphology and the tribochemical characteristics of worn surfaces were examined by a scanning electron microscope(SEM) and an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer(XPS). Then the lubrication mechanisms were discussed. The tribological test results indicated that the wear scar diameters(WSDs) of steel balls lubricated by the T202-containing lubricating oils and the friction coefficients of the corresponding oil under magnetic field were smaller than those without magnetic affection. The worn surface lubricated with the T202-formulated oils in a magnetic field was smoother than that obtained under the normal condition. Furthermore, the results of XPS analysis indicated that tribochemical films on the surfaces lubricated with T202-doped oils were mainly composed of compounds such as FeSO_4, FeS and ZnS. The atomic concentrations of oxygen, sulfur, iron, zinc and phosphorus species identified in T202 under magnetic field were higher than those without magnetic impact. It can be inferred that the improved anti-wear and friction-reducing ability of T202-doped oils was attributed to the promoted tribochemical reactions and the modification of the worn surfaces induced by magnetic field. Tribological properties of 150 SN mineral oil and the oils doped with different contents of zinc butyloctyldithiophosphate (T202) under magnetic field or non-magnetic field were as on a four-ball tribotester by applying an external magnetic field around the friction region. morphology and the tribochemical characteristics of worn surfaces were examined by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS). The tribological test results indicated that the wear scar diameters (WSDs) of steel balls lubricated by the T202-containing lubricating oils and the friction coefficients of the corresponding oil under magnetic fields were smaller than those without magnetic affection. The worn surface lubricated with the T202-formulated oils in a magnetic field was smoother than that obtained under the The normal condition. Furthermore, the results of XPS analysis indicated that tribochemical films on the su rfaces lubricated with T202-doped oils were mainly composed of compounds such as FeSO_4, FeS and ZnS. The atomic concentrations of oxygen, sulfur, iron, zinc and phosphorus species identified in T202 under magnetic field were higher than those without magnetic impact. It can be inferred that the improved anti-wear and friction-reducing ability of T202-doped oils was attributed to the promoted tribochemical reactions and the modification of the worn surfaces induced by magnetic field.
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