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菠菜含有较丰富的维生素和许多其它营养素,且质地柔软,不少家长都喜欢给小儿吃。但对于已患佝偻病的小儿,则不要食用菠菜。佝偻病患儿通过食物性补钙,在日常膳食中食用含钙丰富的食物,有助于缺钙的补偿和疾病的康复。钙在肠道中吸收很不完全,因为食物中的钙离子可与存在于食物及肠道中的许多阴离子物质,如草酸、脂酸等形成不溶性钙盐,故在正常情况下,食物中钙约有70—80%残留于粪便中排出,钙的吸收率约为20—30%。当食物中草酸含量过多时,不但其本身所含的钙不易吸收,且影响对其它食物中钙的吸收。在给佝偻病患儿食用供钙食物时,不能单纯考虑钙的绝对含量,还要注意其中草酸的含量。菠菜中的草酸含量较多,100克菠菜中含钙102毫克,含草酸高达606毫克。佝偻病患儿在食用含钙丰富的食物时,若食用菠菜,不但菠菜中的钙不能吸收,其中含有较大量的草酸还会与其它食物中的钙相结合,发生化学变化,形成不溶于水的草酸钙,人体不能吸收这种不溶于水的钙质。因此,佝偻病患儿不要食用菠莱,以免 Spinach is rich in vitamins and many other nutrients, and soft texture, many parents like to eat to children. But for children who have rickets, do not eat spinach. Children with rickets through food-based calcium, calcium-rich foods in the daily diet, to help calcium deficiency and disease rehabilitation. Calcium is not completely absorbed in the intestine because calcium in foods can form insoluble calcium salts with many anionic substances present in food and gut, such as oxalic acid, fatty acids, etc. Under normal conditions, calcium in food is about 70-80% remaining in the feces in the discharge, the absorption rate of calcium is about 20-30%. When the content of oxalic acid in food is excessive, not only the calcium contained in it is not easily absorbed, and the absorption of calcium in other foods is affected. In children with rickets for calcium foods, can not simply consider the absolute content of calcium, but also pay attention to the content of oxalic acid. More oxalic acid content in spinach, 102 grams of calcium in 100 grams of spinach, oxalic acid up to 606 mg. Children with rickets eat foods rich in calcium, if you eat spinach, not only calcium in spinach can not be absorbed, which contains a larger amount of oxalic acid and other foods will also be combined with calcium, the chemical changes occur, the formation of water-insoluble Calcium oxalate, the body can not absorb this water-insoluble calcium. Therefore, children with rickets do not eat spinach, lest
独具风格的英伦风尚总是把帽子奉为时装必备单品,街拍达人们也深知抢镜就要“从头开始”。 Unique style of the British fashion always put the hat must be regarded as
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