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本文介绍的改造主义教育哲学实质上是实用主义的一个分支。这一学派主张以学校为先锋进行所谓文化改造和社会改造,从而建立一个体现美国精神科学和物质科学新发展的“理想社会”。它比实用主义更强调学习的“目的性”,并提出具有“更长远打算的”教育理论。实际上妄想通过“改造”来维护和发展目前美国资产阶级教育制度,使之更适应资产阶级统治集团的要求。本文作者布拉米尔得是这一学派的奠基人。他认为当前在美国占统治地位的三种教育哲学——进步主义、本质主义和永恒主义,虽各有其缺点,但为了“在这个动荡变革的时代对教育进行彻底的改变”,必须“重视这三种学说的渊博理论及其丰富的教育实践”。他从这些腐朽反动的学说中吸收了一些东西,提出所谓“改造的”教育哲学。一望便知,这种“改造主义”不过是东拼西凑的货色,它同实用主义一样,只能表明资产阶级教育理论与实践的破产。 The transformationist education philosophy described in this article is essentially a branch of pragmatism. This school advocates the so-called cultural reformation and social transformation with schools as the vanguard, so as to establish an “ideal society” embodying the new development of American psycho-science and material science. It emphasizes the “purpose” of learning more than pragmatism and proposes educational theories with “longer-term planning.” In fact, he wants to maintain and develop the current system of bourgeois education in the United States through “transformation” so as to make it more responsive to the demands of bourgeois ruling cliques. The author of this article Bradbury was the founder of this school. He believes that although the three educational philosophies currently dominant in the United States - progressiveism, essentialism and eternalism - each have their own shortcomings, they must “pay due attention to” a radical change in education in this time of turmoil and change. “ The profound theories of these three theories and their rich educational practice. ” He learned something from these decaying and reactionary doctrines and put forward the so-called “reformed” educational philosophy. At a glance, this “transformationism” is nothing but patchwork of goods. As with pragmatism, it can only show the bankruptcy of the theory and practice of bourgeois education.
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