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中国石材工业协会四届会员代表大会第二次会议于1999年5月18日至19日在北京召开,共有二十四个省、市、自治区的210余名代表参加了会议。会议由中国石材工业协会理事长宗本木主持并致开幕词,中国石材工业协会秘书长张文波作了协会工作报告,并对《章程》修改作了说明,副理事长刘志中作了四届理事单位及领导成员调整方案的说明,副秘书长毛云章作了协会财务收支情况汇报。中国建材协会副会长陈敏作了讲话。大会进行了经验交流,并经充分协商讨论,通过了以下事项: 一、关于协会工作报告 代表们一致认为,工作报告基本反映了协会工作情况,所确定的目标和工作任务切合实际。大会一致通过了该报告。 The second meeting of the 4th member representative meeting of China Stone Industry Association was held in Beijing from May 18th to 19th, 1999. A total of 210 delegates from 24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by the chairman of China Stone Industry Association Zong Benmu and delivered an opening speech. Zhang Wenbo, secretary-general of the China Stone Industry Association, made a report on the work of the association and explained the amendments to the “Articles of Association”. Liu Zhizhong, deputy director of the association, made the fourth session of the governing body. As for the explanations of the adjustment plan of the leading members, Deputy Secretary-General Mao Yunzhang made a report on the financial income and expenditure of the association. Chen Min, Vice Chairman of China National Building Material Association made a speech. The General Assembly conducted an exchange of experiences and discussed and adopted the following issues: 1. Report on the work of the Association The delegates agreed that the work report basically reflects the work of the Association and that the objectives and work tasks identified are practical. The General Assembly unanimously approved the report.
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tU摘译自《Englneeri。g and Mining Journal),(3),58(1999)未来五年世界铀需求预测@谈成龙 tU is an excerpt from Englneeri. g and Mining Journal), (3), 58 (1999) Prediction
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