
来源 :婚姻与家庭(性情读本) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiming5968f
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|策划人小语|“离婚”这事儿又上了头条。最近有一份非常火的《离婚大数据》披露,国家民政部统计出中国离婚率最高的10大城市分别是:北京、上海、深圳、广州、厦门、台北、香港、大连、杭州和哈尔滨。超过一半的离婚,由女性主动提出。2017年上半年,全国各级民政部门和婚姻登记机构一共办理离婚登记185.6万对,比去年同期上升10.3%。到底是什么让当初期待“执子之手,与子偕老”的夫妻分道扬镳?婚姻中又有哪些阶段是离婚的“高危期”?本期策划,我们将邀请心理专家深度为您剖析婚姻中那些最难迈过的几个考验…… | Planner language | “divorce ” This thing again headlines. Recently, there was a very big disclosure of “divorce big data.” According to statistics released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the top 10 cities with the highest divorce rates in China are Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Taipei, Hong Kong, Dalian, Hangzhou and Harbin. More than half of the divorces were initiated by women. In the first half of 2017, a total of 1.856 million pairs of divorce registrations were handled by civil affairs departments and marriage registration agencies at all levels across the country, an increase of 10.3% over the same period of last year. In the end what was originally expected “the hands of your son, old age together,” parted ways? What are the stages of marriage is divorced “High-risk period ”? Current planning, we will invite the depth of psychological experts for you Analysis of the marriage of those most difficult to overcome several tests ...
一、2002年完成情况 (一)大力推进了基础设施建设州(地、市)和县级统计局机房改造及局域网建设是我省统计信息化建设的基础性工作。在省统计局党组的精心指导下,完成了西宁
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The kinetic parameters of the exothermic decomposition reaction of the title compound in a tempera-ture-programmed mode have been studied by means of DSC. The e
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