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从一名运用心理训练方式培养出奥运冠军的运动心理学教师,到一位营销广告公司的总裁,肖开宁走过了成功的二十年,头一个十年,教书育人,著书立说;后一个十年,白手起家,苫尽甘来……他的成功哲学很简单:认准方向就坚持、坚持再坚持,实在坚持不了就告诉自己:再坚持一下。虽然每个成功人士的背后都免不了有环境的、历史的、机遇的因素在里面,但对于有些人,成功是必然的…… From a sports psychology teacher who trained Olympic champion in psychology training to a president of a marketing advertising company, Xiao kai-ning passed the successful 20 years. In the first decade, he taught and wrote books and wrote books. After a decade, start from scratch, do everything willing to ... His philosophy of success is very simple: focus on the direction of insist, insist on insisting that it can not persist tell yourself: insist on it. Although behind every successful person there is inevitable environmental, historical, and opportunistic factors, success is inevitable for some people ...
生活是公平的,只要你付出心血和汗水,她就会给予你丰厚的回报;生活又是不公平的,有时会设置一些人生难题。对于强者,这却是一种恩赐和偏爱,只要能积极对待,你就会 Life is
A novel homologous series of 4’-methyoxyphenyl 4“-[(4-n-alkoxy-2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-phenyl]benzyl ethers have been prepared via Pd-catalysed Heck reactions. P
How to quantitatively evaluate the maturity of crude oils is still an open question. Mango discovered a remarkable compositional invariance of four isoheptane r
Abs, methylation analysis, structure, fructan 539(2R.4S)-5-Acetoxy-2,4dimethyl-pentanol, Prelog-Djerassi lactone, lipase 3801-Acyl-5-aryl biuret. acylisocyanat
Several aspects of the application of silver electrode to the electrochemical studies of hemoglobin have been discussed in this paper . The silver electrode co