Preparation of a High-Performance Si_3N_4 Ceramic Using Self-Reinforcing Technology

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The self-reinforced Si_3N_4 ceramics which contain Y_2O_3 and La_2O_3 additives have beenprepared by hot-pressing. Under the optimum processing conditions, this material has theflexural strength of 960~1050MPa and the fracture toughness of 11.17~12.74MPa·m~(1/2) atroom-temperature, and 720~780MPa and 22~24MPa·m~(1/2) at 1350℃. The effects of heating rate, sintering temperature, and holding time on the microstructures and mechanical properties are investigated. The experimental results show that an appropriate β-Si_3N_4 grainsize and homogeneous microstructure can be obtained under the conditions of a heating rate of 10℃/min, sintering temperature of 1800℃, and holding time of 1h, which are advantageous to enhancing the mechanical properties. Crack deflection in large rodlike β-Si_3N_4 grains is a principle source of toughening. Under the optimum processing conditions, this material has the flexural strength of 960 ~ 1050MPa and the fracture toughness of 11.17 ~ 12.74MPa · m ~ (1/2). The self-reinforced Si_3N_4 ceramics which contain Y_2O_3 and La_2O_3 additives have beenprepared by hot- ) atroom-temperature, and 720 to 780 MPa and 22 to 24 MPa · m ~ (1/2) at 1350 ° C. The effects of heating rate, sintering temperature, and holding time on the microstructures and mechanical properties are investigated. The experimental results show that an appropriate β-Si_3N_4 grainsize and homogeneous microstructure can be obtained under the conditions of a heating rate of 10 ° C / min, sintering temperature of 1800 ° C, and holding time of 1h, which are advantageous to enhance the mechanical properties. Crack deflection in large rodlike β-Si_3N_4 grains is a principle source of toughening.
雕’拉齐奥时代 Carved ’Lazio era
1950年国庆前夕,全国人民沉浸在迎接新中国第一个国庆节的欢乐气氛中。在这样一个特别时刻,毛主席、党中央没有忘记边疆少数民族兄弟,决定以政务院总理周恩来的名义向他 On
目的 探讨心肌应变率显像(SRI)技术在评价冠心病患者冠状动脉支架置入术前后局部室壁运动状态中的应用价值.方法应用SRI技术对38例冠心病患者冠状动脉支架置入术前后心尖四腔、两腔观各节段局部心肌功能进行定量分析.结果术前缺血心肌应变率曲线中收缩期、舒张早期和舒张晚期SR峰值均小于正常节段并可出现收缩后收缩(PSS)波.术后经治疗的缺血心肌各峰值逐渐增加,PSS波消失,各指标较未经治疗的缺血心肌明显
基于时态逻辑,定义了标准的逻辑操作公式、公理和扩展定理。根据测试生成和验证所要求的初始特性,提出了全局时态逻辑(Global Temporal Logic)GTL,避免了验证和测试中的回溯问
1、不以人名作地名。1949年3月5日至13日,中共七届二中全会在河北省西柏坡召开,会议做出了此项规定,这是党中央全会对地名工作做出的最具体的规定。 1, not to name names.