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在陕西物价系统行风建设中,把“不准违规办理价格认证、鉴定、评估、成本监审”作为“五不准”规定之一,充分说明了价格认证、成本监审在价格工作中所处的重要地位。价格认证、成本监审工作是物价部门的重要职责和对社会服务的重要窗口。因此,各级物价部门既要发挥好价格认证、成本监审在价格工作中的重要作用,又要切实加强监督,确保不发生问题。各级价格认证、成本监审机构应该以求真务实的态度,开拓进取的精神,全面落实不准违规办理价格认证、鉴定,评估、成本监审的规定,防止和纠正价格认证和成本监审工作中的不正之风。为此,必须“三管齐下”,即抓思想教育、抓制度保障、抓监督检查,推进物价系统的行风建设。 In the construction of Shaanxi’s price system, the “No illegal price certification, appraisal, assessment and cost supervision and examination” as one of the “Five No-one” provisions fully demonstrated that the price certification and cost supervision and inspection work in price Department of the important position. Price certification, cost supervision and examination work is the price department’s important responsibilities and an important window on social services. Therefore, price departments at all levels should not only play an important role in price certification but also cost supervision and supervision in price work, and they should also earnestly strengthen supervision so as to ensure that no problems occur. Price certification at all levels, cost supervision and audit institutions should be realistic and pragmatic attitude, pioneering spirit, the full implementation of the regulations shall not be violated for price certification, appraisal, assessment, cost supervision and inspection, to prevent and correct price certification and cost monitoring Unhealthy tendencies in work To this end, we must “go all out in three directions”, that is, to grasp ideological education, ensure system security, pay attention to supervision and inspection, and promote the construction of the style of the price system.
<正> 由中国社会科学院哲学研究所与中国伦理学会联合举办的第五届中日实践伦理学讨论会,于1991年10月17日至19日在北京进行。应邀参加会议的日本学者是以社团法人伦理研究所常务理事北奥三郎为团长的日本伦理学者访华团一行七人,其中包括著名的高桥进教授(前筑波大学副校长,现任目白女子大学副校长、日本家庭教育研究会会长)、铃木博教授(日本东海大学经济管理主任教授)等人。我国方面参加会议的,除中国社会科学院哲学研究所的一些学者外,还有来自其他省市和其他部
本实验在用感染兔血清和单克隆抗体对日本血吸虫(大陆株)成虫cDNA表达文库进行筛选的基础上,对筛选出的阳性克隆插入片段DNA进行了亚克隆和序列分析 In this study, based on the scre