Linear operators preserving the generalized decomposable numerical range

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LET G be a subgroup of the symmetric group S<sub>m</sub>. Denote by CG the set of all functions f: G→C. A function f∈CG is said to be positive semi-definite (p. s. d. ) if there exists c∈CG such that for all τ∈G. In particular, the irreducible
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IT is well known that it is impossible to construct an integral representation of holomorphic functions with holomorphic kernel for the general bounded domain.
Interleukin-2 (IL-2 ) 是一个重要 immunoregulatory 因素。在在 IL-2 和它的受体之间的相互作用以后,细胞内部的信号分子被激活并且 pro-oncogenes, e.g.c-Myc, c-Fos, c6 月 a
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