A fully integrated direct-conversion digital satellite tuner in 0.18μm CMOS

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A fully integrated direct-conversion digital satellite tuner for DVB-S/S2 and ABS-S applications is presented.A broadband noise-canceling Balun-LNA and passive quadrature mixers provided a high-linearity low noise RF front-end,while the synthesizer integrated the loop filter to reduce the solution cost and system debug time.Fabricated in 0.18μm CMOS,the chip achieves a less than 7.6 dB noise figure over a 900-2150 MHz L-band, while the measured sensitivity for 4.42 MS/s QPSK-3/4 mode is -91 dBm at the PCB connector.The fully integrated integer-N synthesizer operating from 2150 to 4350 MHz achieves less than 1℃integrated phase error. The chip consumes about 145 mA at a 3.3 V supply with internal integrated LDOs. A fully integrated direct-conversion digital satellite tuner for DVB-S / S2 and ABS-S applications is presented. A broadband noise-canceling Balun-LNA and passive quadrature mixers provide a high-linearity low noise RF front-end, while the synthesizer integrated the loop filter to reduce the solution cost and system debug time. Fabricated in 0.18 μm CMOS, the chip achieves a less than 7.6 dB noise figure over a 900-2150 MHz L-band, while the measured sensitivity for 4.42 MS / s QPSK -3/4 mode is -91 dBm at the PCB connector. The fully integrated integer-N synthesizer operating from 2150 to 4350 MHz achieves less than 1 ° C integrated phase error. The chip consumes about 145 mA at a 3.3 V supply with internal integrated LDOs.
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希望工程迎来了25周年。25年前,中国第一所希望小学金寨县希望小学诞生。  为此,10月28日,国务院总理李克强给金寨小学写了封信,表达了祝贺。他还回忆:“我清晰记得,当年来这里为全国第一所希望小学选址时,正是冬末初春时节,不曾想到,希望工程第一粒种子在大别山深处的冻土里,破土成长为今天这样一棵枝繁叶茂的参天大树。”  看到总理的公开信后,希望工程创始人徐永光先生在微信中披露了更多细节:希望小学是
Q:第一次参加社会公益活动是什么时候? A:从我16岁出道开始,身边的人都一直会推荐一些好的公益活动让我参加,他们热心公益慈善。那时候我还小,可能没有那么强的意识,觉得既然大家都在做,这是好事,那我也做吧。真正开始主动要求做一些事情,是因为汶川地震大灾难的发生,很多灾区的报道和图片,让我感同身受。现在随着我的成长,可能参与慈善公益活动的能力也更强了,有这个能力,就要努力帮助更多的人。  Q:你是根
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