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去年我所对上海板叶荠菜和当地的野生荠菜进行了栽培研究,并总结出了一套荠菜冬季栽培高产技术,现报道如下: 1、土地选择、整地与播种荠菜对土壤要求不严。土质疏松、排水良好的土壤即可种植。但要确保荠菜的高产优质,则要选择肥沃、疏松的粘质壤土。播种前一周施底肥,深耕细耙作平畦备播。9月上旬至10月下旬播种,亩播种量1.5—2.0公斤。种子与干细土按1:3的比例混匀撒 Last year, I carried on the cultivation of Shanghai shepherd’s purse and the local wild shepherd’s purse and summed up a set of winter purse shepherd’s purse cultivation techniques in winter, are reported as follows: 1, land selection, land preparation and sowing Shepherd’s purse on soil requirements lax. Soil loose, well-drained soil can be planted. But to ensure that shepherd’s purse’s high yield and quality, you have to choose a fertile, loose clay soil. Base fertilizer one week before sowing, cultivating fine harrows for flat pan preparation. From early September to late October sowing, mu sowing 1.5-2.0 kg. Seeds and dry fine soil according to the ratio of 1: 3 mix sprinkle
不少老年人夜间睡熟时常常发生小腿抽筋,以致痛醒。起床活动后症状减轻,再入睡后又抽筋,以致整夜不得安宁。小腿抽筋医学 Many elderly people often occur during nighttim
身居京城的著名记者石平阳,在一个飘洒着鹅毛大雪的冬日,开车偶遇路边美女,富有想象力的记者以为这是天赐良缘。岂料,这段艳遇不但使他耗尽了百万家产,而且,他 Shi Pingyang
Zhongzhen Guan, male, born in October 1932 at Anhui China. Education: MD Ling-nan Univ. Medical School, 1954. Post-doctoral Training on Hematology, Chinese Acad
希望得到别人的表扬是每个人的天性,孩子更是如此。受到表扬的孩子不会变坏,因为表扬能帮助孩子建立自尊、自信和自我价值。本文浅析了表扬的魅力。 It is everyone’s natu
没有人能阻挡时光在脸上留下痕迹,但专家研究出了身体变化的关键年龄。8岁这个年龄段决定了女人的生育能力。年轻女孩应避 No one can stop the time leaving traces on the