
来源 :汉语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmwzg
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1.从语言作为符号系统的角度看,语言中负荷着文化的内涵,文化个性在语言中经过历史的沉淀,结晶在词汇平面,所以特定语言的词汇系统能够最直接,最敏感地折射出一个民族的文化价值取向,“一个社会的语言能反映与其相对应的文化,方式之一表现在词汇内容或者词汇上。” “饮食文化”是汉族文化的一个重要侧面。中国的“吃”天下闻名。南北大菜,满汉全席,吃的花样翻新,色香味缺一不美;酒席宴上,四大菜系名吃千种难分上下,寻常饭桌,各地风味千家万户异香纷呈,中餐馆遍布世界各地,外国朋友仍不远万里而来只为一饱口福。口眼之欲乃人之天性,古云“食色,性也”,所谓“国人讲美食,洋人好美色”,有人认为这正是中西方文化差异之所在,天下“吃”在中国。我们在教学实践中发现,汉语的词汇构成深深地打上了汉族“饮食文化”的烙印,用“吃”来比附造词,形成了汉语独特的表达方式,教师如果在解词释义时随时恰当地联系文化背景展开,与汉族的这种文化个性相印证,对于帮助留学生便捷地掌握地道的汉语大有裨益,确不失于一种行之有效的教学方法。 1. From the perspective of language as a symbolic system, the language is loaded with the cultural connotation, cultural personality in the language through the history of precipitation, crystallization in the vocabulary plane, so the language-specific vocabulary system can most directly and most sensitively reflect a National cultural value orientation, “one of the social language can reflect its corresponding culture, one of the ways in the lexical content or vocabulary.” “Food culture” is an important aspect of the Han culture. China’s “eat” world famous. North and South dishes, Manchurian seats, eating patterns refurbished, the lack of color and flavor; banquet feast, the four major cuisines eat thousands of hard to distinguish from top to bottom, an ordinary table, all over the flavor of thousands of households with different fragrances, Chinese restaurants around the world, foreign countries Friends are still far away from only for a delicious meal. Some people think that this is the difference between Chinese and Western culture, the world “eat” in China. In our teaching practice, we found that the formation of the Chinese vocabulary is deeply imprinted on the “diet culture” of the Han people and is more unique than “eating” to form a unique Chinese expression. If the teacher can properly interpret the interpretation of the word The establishment of the cultural background of contact with the land and the proof of this cultural identity of the Han people can greatly help the students to master authentic Chinese conveniently and without losing an effective teaching method.