重卡信贷:审查谨慎 GPS监控还款

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主持人:感谢大家关注这一期柠檬茶座,本期柠檬茶将为大家解密重卡经销商给客户的金融支持。我们请到了陕汽、重汽、一汽解放的三位经销商来做客,先请三位嘉宾做个简短的自我介绍。李赫:大家好,我是陕西新兴纪元汽车销售有限公司销售总监李赫,我们公司主要销售陕汽重卡,很高兴来到柠檬茶座。郝宝印:大家好,我是辽宁海城市鹏兴汽车服务有限公司副总经理郝宝印,我们公司主要销售中国重汽产品。贾志永:各位朋友好,我是河北一汽贸易有限公司解放商用汽车销售服务中心大客户经理贾志永,欢迎大家到我们这里看车。 Moderator: Thank you for your attention this period of lemon tea, lemon tea this period will be for everyone to decrypt the heavy truck dealer financial support to customers. We invited to Shaanxi Automobile, Heavy Duty Truck, FAW Liberation of the three dealers to guest, please first three guests to be a brief self-introduction. Lee Hee: Hello everyone, I am Lee Hsieh, sales director of Shaanxi Xinxing Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Our company mainly sells Shaanxi Heavy Truck and is very glad to come to Lemon. Hao Bao India: Hello, everyone, I Haicheng City, Liaoning Peng Hing Automotive Services Co., Ltd. Hao Bao Yin, deputy general manager, our company mainly sells heavy truck products. Jia Zhiyong: Dear friends, I am Jia Zhiyong, chief account manager of Hebei FAW Trading Co., Ltd., the liberation of commercial vehicle sales and service center. Welcome to our car here.
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