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在当代设计中,不可不提到的就是现代主义的设计,它是当代设计史上最重要且最具有影响的设计活动之一。在整个现代主义设计的发展过程中,起源于俄国的构成主义是现代艺术发展历程中最具影响力的文化运动之一,俄国构成主义的积极探索为现代主义设计走向成熟奠定了强大的理论基础。它对现代设计发展产生了非常深远的影响,是二十世纪现代设计的新开端。尤其对平面设计的影响更为显著。在平面设计中成功地应用了几何图形与抽象图形,构成主义对平面设计的形式,表现和语言方面做了突破性的尝试。所以我们说,在整个现代主义设计的发展过程中,俄国构成主义的积极探索为后来现代主义设计走向成熟奠定了理论基础。本文将从构成主义的形式、材料、色彩构成观念中阐述构成主义对当代平面设计的影响。 One of the most important and influential design activities in the history of contemporary design is the design of modernism that must be mentioned in contemporary design. In the process of the development of modernism design, the constructivism originated in Russia is one of the most influential cultural movements in the development of modern art. The positive exploration of Russian constructivism has laid a strong theoretical foundation for the modernism design to mature . It has a very far-reaching impact on the development of modern design and is the new beginning of modern design in the twentieth century. In particular, the impact on graphic design is even more pronounced. Successfully applied geometric graphics and abstract graphics in graphic design. Constructivism made a breakthrough attempt in the aspects of graphic design, expression and language. Therefore, we say that the active exploration of Russian constructivism lays the theoretical foundation for the subsequent design of modernism in the development of modernist design. This article will elaborate the influence of constructivism on the contemporary graphic design from the conception of constitutionalism, material and color.