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1997年5月6日,在南昌殡仪馆千秋堂,悲痛攫住了人们的心。哀乐低回、松柏垂首,看着悬挂在大厅正中的南昌市特巡警支队青云谱大队二中队干警胡海的遗像,望着躺在鲜花丛中的胡海的遗体,胡海的战友们眼眶湿润了——他走得太早了,他才28岁啊!4月30日晚9时30分,胡海与中队肖力、冯军、邓文刚一道,由副指导员章桂发带领,在洪都大道示范加油站执行蹲坑守候、捕捉现行犯罪的任务。5月1日零时20分,一辆红色洪都125摩托车在洪都大道上由南向北急驶。正在执勤的胡海、肖力等同志发现该车无牌照,且开车人神色慌张,形迹十分可疑,便用停车示意牌急令停车检查。该车不但不停,反而连冲两关,加速逃跑。为了查明情况,捕捉现行,以高度的警惕性和强烈的责任感,迅速跑步跳上肖力已经开动的三轮摩托车,同肖力一起追缉犯罪嫌疑人。在奋力追缉嫌疑人犯的过程中,身负重伤,紧急送往医院抢救无效,于5月1日凌晨1时30分以身殉职,壮烈牺牲。 May 6, 1997, Nanchuan funeral home Chiaki Tong, grief grabbed the hearts of people. Low back sorrow, pines and cypresses plunged, watching the hanging in the middle of the lobby of the Nanchang Special Patrol Detachment Qingyun Brigade squadron officer Hu Hai portrait of two, looking at the remains of flowers in the Hu Hai, Hu’s comrades who eyes Wet - he went too early, he was 28 years old! 9:30 on the evening of April 30, Hu Hai and squadrons Xiao Li, Feng Jun, Deng Wengang, led by Deputy Director Zhang Guifa, Hongdu Avenue demonstration Petrol stations to perform pit waiting, to capture the current task of crime. At 0:20 on May 1, a red Hongdu 125 motorcycle drove south to north on Hongdu Avenue. On duty, Hu Hai, Xiao Li and other comrades found that the car had no license plate, and the driver looked flustered with a very suspicious form. He used a parking sign to urgently stop the car for inspection. Not only the car non-stop, but even the two red rush, accelerate escape. In order to identify the situation, to capture the current, with a high degree of vigilance and a strong sense of responsibility, jumped quickly jumped on Xiao-tai has started three-wheeled motorcycle, together with Xiao Li chasing suspects. In the process of struggling to pursue suspects, he was seriously wounded and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. He died at 1:30 on May 1 and died a heroic death.
对河南省焦作市田间辖区种植的怀地黄根结线虫病发生情况进行了调查与研究,并采用作物根结线虫特异性(sequence characterized amplified region SCAR)标记引物对其病原根结