Helicobacter pylori neutrophil activating protein as target for new drugs against H.pylori inflammat

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lostlovestef
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Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) infection is among the most common human infections and the major risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.With-in this work we present the implication of C-terminal region of H.pylori neutrophil activating protein in the stimulation of neutrophil activation as well as the evi-dence that the C-terminal region of H.pylori activating protein is indispensable for neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells,a step necessary to H.pylori inflammation.In addition we show that arabino galactan proteins derived from chios mastic gum,the natural resin of the plant Pistacia lentiscus var.Chia inhibit neutrophil activation in vitro. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is among the most common human infections and the major risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. With-in this work we present the implication of C-terminal region of H. pylori neutrophil activating protein in the stimulation of neutrophil activation as well as the evi-dence that the C-terminal region of H. pylori activating protein is indispensable for neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells, a step necessary to H. pylori inflammation. addition we show that arabino galactan proteins derived from chios mastic gum, the natural resin of the plant Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia inhibit neutrophil activation in vitro.
“开水不一定是熟水”。这个说法似乎有些怪,开水,就是烧开的、烧熟了的水,为什么说开水不是熟水呢?  用锅烧水的时候,加热一会儿,就会看到锅底附近出现许多小泡泡,随着温度不断升高,泡泡越来越大。这是因为壶底受热快,紧挨壶底的水首先变成水蒸气,在水中形成气泡,同时,溶解在水中的空气,也因受热析出、膨胀而形成小气泡。当加热到一定的温度时,水中这些气泡越变越大,在浮力的作用下上升到水面,破裂开来。这种在液
水通道蛋白4(AQP4)主要分布在星形胶质细胞足突膜上,是脑内最重要的水通道亚型。已经发现,AQP4除参与调节脑内水平衡外,还参加学习记忆、脑外伤、脑缺血、脑肿瘤等一系列生理、病理过程。脑老化伴随着学习记忆下降,以及易发生脑缺血、脑肿瘤等老年相关性疾病,但AQP4在脑老化中的作用尚未见报道。目的 观察AQP4在小鼠脑老化中的作用。方法 对年轻(2~3个月)和老年(17~ 19个月)AQP4基因敲除
AIM:To investigate the protective effect of penehyclidine hydrochloride post-conditioning in the damage to the barrier function of the small intestinal mucosa c