
来源 :东北师大学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwfkl
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近年来国内外的教练员和运动员都把跳深作为发展弹跳力的一种手段,并对其外部特征进行了大量的研究工作。但跳深对于提高弹跳能力的作用究竟如何,其内部特征如下肢各关节的力如何变化,环节的运动形式对整个跳深动作影响的定量研究并不多见。本文就是想通过建立二维七体的力学模型,试图对跳深的某些内部特征进行初步的分析,找出跳深对发展弹跳力效果的贡献。 In recent years, coaches and athletes both at home and abroad have made deep jump as a means to develop the jumping ability and carried out a large amount of research work on its external features. However, what is the effect of diving on improving bouncing ability and how its internal characteristics such as the force of joints of lower extremities vary, and the quantitative analysis of the effect of link motion on the whole diving motion is rare. This article attempts to establish a two-dimensional seven-body mechanics model to try to analyze some of the internal characteristics of the diving depth and find out the contribution of the diving depth to the development of the jumping force effect.
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依安欣胶囊(醋氨己酸锌)有较强的杀菌作用,常规方法不能检出该制剂中污染的大肠杆菌。笔者在样品中加入一定量大肠杆菌,再用离心沉淀法、中和法、常规检验法作实验。1材料 醋氨己
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