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一、教学任务(一)教学目标随着新课程改革的不断深入,当前数学教学应以学生的发展为本,重点培养学生的能力,同时从知识教学、技能培训等方面出发,根据学生已有的认知结构及相关知识在教材中的作用、地位确定本课程的教学目标如下:1、知识与技能目标通过本课程,学生能够准确区分必然事件、确定事件和不可能事件;能够在具体情境中了解概率的相关意义;能熟练地运用列表法或树形图法计算某个事件的发生概率;学会用频率估计概率。 First, the teaching tasks (A) teaching objectives With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, the current mathematics teaching should be based on the development of students, focusing on developing the ability of students, from the knowledge of teaching, skills training and other aspects, based on the students have Cognitive structure and related knowledge in the textbook role, position to determine the teaching objectives of this course are as follows: 1, knowledge and skills Objectives Through this course, students can accurately distinguish between necessary events, determine events and impossible events; can be in a specific context In understanding the relevance of probability; can skillfully use the list method or tree diagram method to calculate the probability of occurrence of an event; learn to use frequency estimation probability.
Transported by wind and water,the relatively old sediments can deposit in the terminal lake of an inland drainage basin.The reworking effect can affect the lake
电子政务建设没有绝招,需要的是按规则办事的老实态度,而前提是需要了解规则。 E-government building no trick, what is needed is to act in accordance with the rules
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