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采访花絮:“风水”是个很敏感,也很古老的话题。在中国人的思维里,这个话题可以私下议议,却不能拿到书面上高谈阔论。毕竟封建、迷信和学术、新闻是两个世界的东西。作为新时代的年轻人,加上现代社会已经开放到这种程度,我们应该有足够的分辨力来品读和挑选对我们有用的东西。本来我们想请几个在地貌上有独创的项目负责人,讲讲在这方面的心得和体会,可让我们失望的是,几乎所有的负责人都比较排斥这类话题,不知是觉得没有深度,还是认为这属于旁门左类的话题,说起来跌份儿。 Interview Highlights: “Feng Shui ” is a very sensitive and very old topic. In the Chinese thinking, this topic can be privately discussed, but can not get a written talk. After all, feudalism, superstition and academic news are two things in the world. As a young man in a new era, coupled with the fact that modern society has been open to such a degree, we should have enough resolution to read and select what works for us. Originally, we would like to invite a few project managers who are original in terms of geomorphology to talk about their experiences and experiences in this field. What disappoints us is that almost all the responsible persons are more exclusive of such topics and I do not know if they have any depth , Or think it belongs to the category leftist topic, say it down share of children.
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