Effect of Thermal Cycling Rate on Thermo-Mechanical Cycling Strain Overlapping of a Fe-N

来源 :北方交通大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chijr
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利用专门设计的热循环装置进行热机械循环迭加试验.研究表明热循环速率对热应变过程有密切依赖关系.快速热循环引起热应变途径偏离线性变化规律,并推迟了达到最大热应变过程.选择合理的最大热循环速率,以保证热循环应变与机械循环应变的线性变化关系.循环应力、应变及温度对时间的关系曲线表明,在热循环与机械循环同相与反相迭加条件下,在接近热循环上限值的高温范围出现热循环软化现象.这是两种热机械循环应力应变迭加方式所共有的特征行为.这一结果可由本文作者已发表的微观结构分析予以解释 The use of specially designed thermal cycle device thermal mechanical cycle superposition test. Studies have shown that the thermal cycling rate has a close dependence on the thermal strain process. Rapid thermal cycling causes the thermal strain path to deviate from the linear variation and postponed the process of reaching maximum thermal strain. Select a reasonable maximum rate of thermal cycling in order to ensure the thermal cycling strain and the linear relationship between the mechanical cycle strain. The curves of cyclic stress, strain and temperature show that the thermal cycle softening occurs in the high temperature range close to the upper limit of thermal cycle under the conditions of in-phase and in-phase superimposition of thermal cycles and mechanical cycles. This is the two thermomechanical cyclic stress  strain superposition of the characteristics of the common behavior. This result can be explained by the published microstructure analysis by the author
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