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销售工作是一条充满着希望和机遇,同时也充满了挑战的道路。中国有千千万万的人在这个舞台上拼搏、奋斗,张广平正是其中一位。年过不惑的他身型瘦高而时常面带微笑,给同事们的感觉是那么的平易近人。2008年3月,他毅然地辞去原来稳定的工作,选择了销售这个充满了机遇和挑战的行业,30年的社会阅历,让他相信自己在这条道路上能创造出属于自己的事业。 Sales work is a road full of hope and opportunity, but also full of challenges. There are tens of millions of people in China fighting hard on this arena. Zhang Guangping is one of them. He is a tall, thin, smiling face who is always overjoyed, giving his co-workers the feeling of being approachable. March 2008, he resolutely resigned from the original stable job, choose to sell this full of opportunities and challenges of the industry, 30 years of social experience, so that he believes he can create their own career on this road.