张国兴 心游大化 笔写真魂

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张国兴,中国美术家协会会员,河北省美术家协会理事、国家一级美术师。历任中国文联书画中心培训部副主任,全国书画院协会培训部副主任,中国山水研究院副院长,中国太行画会副会长,河北省山水画研究会副会长,秦皇岛画院院长,秦皇岛美术家协会副主席,中国画研究会会长等。作品多次参加全国美展并获奖,出版个人画集多部。 Zhang Guoxing, a member of Chinese Artists Association, a member of Hebei Artists Association and a national artist. He served successively as Deputy Director of Training Department of China Federation of Literature and Art Painting and Calligraphy Center, Vice Director of Training Department of National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Vice President of Chinese Landscape Institute, Vice President of China Taihang Painting Society, Vice President of Landscape Painting Society of Hebei Province, President of Qinhuangdao Art Academy, Vice Chairman of Artists Association, President of Chinese Painting Research Association. Works on many occasions to participate in the National Art Exhibition and award-winning, published personal drawing more than one.
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