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文冠果,在北方又名木瓜果,落叶乔木或灌木,属无患子科,是一种多年生的木本油料树种。一般三年开始结果,五年树每株产籽一斤左右,15-20年进入盛果期。一百年生的产籽达到高峰,每株最高可产一百多斤,到两百年后仍可产果。其适应性很强,耐旱耐瘦,在荒山、黄土、沙地均可种植,主根深达数丈,在摄氏零下30°的地方也能安全越冬。在我国北起黑龙江、内蒙,南到安徽北部,东始辽宁,西至甘肃的广大地区都有文冠果的分布。辽宁省翁牛特旗经济林场,在文化大革命后种 Wen Guan fruit, also known as the papaya fruit in the north, deciduous trees or shrubs, is a non-Sapindaceae, is a perennial oil-woody species. Generally three years to start the results, five-year tree seed yield per plant about 15-20 years into the flourishing period. A hundred-year-old seed-bearing peaked at a maximum of 100 kilos per plant, and fruit could still be produced after two hundred years. Its adaptability is strong, drought-resistant and lean, can be planted in the barren hills, loess, sandy land, the main root depth of several feet, at minus 30 degrees Celsius can be safe and wintering. In our country, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, north to Anhui in the north, east Liaoning, west of Gansu have a wide distribution of the text of the crown. Liaoning Wengniute Banner economic forest farm, after the Cultural Revolution planted
苹果树灌水抓好春灌、保花水、花芽分化水、增产水和冬灌五个环节,苹果产量可逐年增加,并且果树生长发育正常,树势健壮。我场的做法是: 春灌,从3月15日开始,4月 15日结束。春
国际海事组织(IMO)海上安全委员会第65届会议于1995年5月9日至17日在英国伦敦举行。会议主席为意大利的帕托法托博士(Dr.G.Pattofatto),75个会员国政 The 65th Session of
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