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我的母亲董竹君,生于1900年。她的一生充满传奇色彩。 母亲出身贫苦,13岁时不幸沦落青楼卖唱。母亲天生丽质,不久就成为青楼名媛。但是她不甘浮华,在结识革命党人以后,逃出火坑,成为民国初年的都督夫人。 母亲在日本受了资本主义的教育,回国以后不堪忍受封建家庭和夫权的统治,她抛弃荣华富贵,带着四个未成年的女儿,毅然离开身居高位的丈夫,到了当时中国资本主义最发达的地方——上海。 从此,她白手起家,开始自我奋斗。她筹资金、办工厂、开餐馆,还要教育子女。她百折不挠,终于在上海滩成了中国的第一代女企业家。她是闻名全国的上海锦江饭店的创始人。 30年代,母亲结交共产党人,接受进步思想。她自己创办杂志,宣传妇女解放。她帮助、掩护共产党的秘密工作者,营救被捕的人。后来,她还把自己的三女儿董国瑛,送到根据地,参加了新四军。 抗日战争时期,母亲流亡菲律宾,在战火中漂泊异乡。后乘难民船绕道朝鲜,回到祖国。 全国解放后,母亲当上了全国政协委员。在文化大 My mother, Dong Zhujun, was born in 1900. Her life is full of legend. Mother was born poor, unfortunately, 13-year-old brothel flattering. Natural beauty of the mother, soon became a celebrity brothel. However, she was unwilling to vainly show up. After getting acquainted with the revolutionaries, she escaped from the fire pit and became the lady of the governor of the Republic of China in the early years of the Republic of China. Her mother was educated by capitalism in Japan. After returning to her country, her mother could not stand the feudal family and the rule of husbands. She abandoned the rich and powerful, took her four underage daughters and left her high husband. At the time, Chinese capitalism was the most developed Place - Shanghai. Since then, she started from scratch, began to struggle. She finances, runs factories, opens restaurants, and educates her children. She persevered and finally became the first generation of Chinese women entrepreneurs in Shanghai. She is the founder of the famous Shanghai Jin Jiang Hotel. In the 1930s, mothers made communists and accepted progressive thinking. She founded her own magazine to promote women’s liberation. She helped to shield the Communist secret workers and rescue the arrested. Later, she also sent her third daughter, Dong Guoying, to the base to participate in the New Fourth Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, her mother was exiled to the Philippines and wandered abroad during the war. After the refugee ship bypasses North Korea, returned to the motherland. After the liberation of the country, her mother became a member of the CPPCC National Committee. In culture big
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外源性变应性肺泡炎(Extrinsic allergic alveolitis)被认为是一种职业性或家庭环境性(Home environment)肺疾患。许多细小的有机粉尘,吸入肺泡后,引起过敏反应。在有喘息体
贺成 1945年5月山东峄县生。国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,江苏省美协理事,国画艺委会副主任,江苏省国画院人物画创研所所长,江苏省艺术专业高级职称评审委员。 He Ch