Prices of Organics Changed Differently

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assasad
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MethanolIn early August, due to the increased de-mand for methanol in dimethyl ether sector,China’s methanol price rose slightly. In east-ern China, the bulk trading price of metha-nol rose to around RMB1 960/t, upRMB40/t over that in mid July 2009.In mid August, the price of methanol con-tinued to increase in response to the pricerise of methanol in the international marketand the increased demand for methanol indimethyl ether sector. In eastern China, thebulk trading price of methanol rose to around MethanolIn early August, due to the increased de-mand for methanol in dimethyl ether sector, China’s methanol price rose slightly. In east-ern China, the bulk trading price of metha-nol rose to around RMB1 960 / t, upRMB40 / t over that in mid August 2009.In mid August, the price of methanol con-tinued to increase in response to the pricerise of methanol in the international market and the increased demand for methanol indimethyl ether sector. In eastern China, thebulk trading price of methanol rose to around
观察新生儿破伤风病情恶化的临床征兆 ,以便能及时处理 ,阻断病情进展 ,提高治愈率。通过对近 2年 2 4例新生儿破伤风进行回顾性分析 ,发现在病情恶化前有临床征兆。结果 2 4
Hanbon (Jiangyin) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. signed an agreement with banks on March 18thto get consortium loan of RMB 1.2 billion for financing its ongoing purif
对 1995年 1月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月收治的新生儿窒息 33例的窒息因素及并发症进行分析 ,病因为早产、过期产、产程异常、胎头负压吸引、母妊高征、胎儿宫内窘迫、羊水Ⅱ~Ⅲ度污染
<正> 例1 王×男40岁病案号96608 左眼被碰伤,视力下降4天,诊断左眼球钝挫伤,前房出血。右眼视力4.9,左眼光感。左眼上下睑瘀血肿胀,球结膜混合性充血,角膜水肿,前房积血占3/
2日 经国家矿产资源储量委员会专家组审定,罗家寨气田的探明储量达581亿立方米,列四川盆地已发现的100个气田之首。专家认为,该气田的资源采收率可达到75%,具有较高的勘探开