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一、巴豆古今炮制方法的沿革巴豆炮制方法的演化大致可分为三个时期:自西汉到唐代是巴豆炮制方法的起始期,宋代是巴豆炮制方法的发展期,元至明清两代是巴豆炮制技术成熟期。此三个时期的主要有关医药文献及炮制特点分述如下: 1.汉唐时代:起始期汉·《金匮玉函经》中开始有“巴豆去心皮,复熬(即炒)变色;或别捣另如膏,乃纳入药未之中,更下粗罗”两种简单炮制方法的记载;梁·《本草经集注》有“……诸有膏脂药皆先熬令黄黑,别捣另如膏,乃和丸散。”唐·《备急千金方》有“炮去皮,勿伤 I. The Evolution of Croton’s Processing Method in Ancient and Modern Processing The evolution of Croton processing method can be roughly divided into three periods: from the Western Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, it was the beginning of the Croton processing method, and the Song Dynasty was the development period of the Croton processing method. The Yuan to the Ming and Qing dynasties were Croton concocted technology is mature. The main relevant medical literature and concocting features of these three periods are described as follows: 1. The Han and Tang dynasties: The initial period of the Han Dynasty, “Jinyu Jade Classics” began with the “croton bean peeling; Or, if other drugs are not included in the drug, they are even more lenient, “the records of two simple methods of processing; Liang ”Ben Cao Pai Zhu“ has ”... all ointment drugs are first ordered to black and yellow, If you don’t want to have another paste, you’ll have pills and pills.” “Don’t worry about Qianjin Fang”
从陕北产甘草Clycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch)的根中分离出五种结晶,分别鉴定为β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol),芒柄花黄素(Formononetin)甘草西定(Licoricidin)及甘草利酮(Licorico
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