
来源 :柑桔科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxlpku
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柑桔锈壁虱是柑桔主要害虫之一。国内遍及各柑桔产区。植株被害后,叶片枯黄脱落,果实皮厚、色黑、汁酸,不仅降低了果品的价值,而且严重的影响树势。据观察,在四川柑桔锈壁虱起于初夏,7—10月盛发,在8月高温季节,繁殖迅速,猖獗成灾。应用石硫合剂波美0.1—0.3度,杀虫效果好,但不能杀卵;0.5—1.0度有杀卵作用,但容易发生药害。近年来,随着我国工业的迅速发展,杀虫、杀螨剂的新品种,均在日益增多,用来防治果树螨类已日见广泛。为了探索防治柑桔锈壁虱高效低毒的药剂,减少喷药次数,提高防治效果,特将1964—1973年在室内、外进行新农药防治柑桔锈壁虱的试验结果,整理于下,以供参考。 Citrus rust tick is one of the major citrus pests. Domestic citrus producing areas throughout. Plant damage, the leaves fall off yellow, thick fruit, dark black, sour, not only reduces the value of fruit, but also seriously affect the tree potential. It is observed that citrus rust ticks in Sichuan begin in early summer and flourish in July-October. In the hot season of August, the breeding rapid and rampant catastrophe. Application Baume sulfur Baume 0.1-0.3 degrees, insecticidal effect, but can not kill eggs; 0.5-1.0 degrees have ovulation, but prone to injury. In recent years, with the rapid development of our country’s industry, new varieties of insecticides and acaricides have been increasing day by day. It has been widely used to control fruit tree mites. In order to explore efficient and low toxicity of citrus rust tick agents, reduce the number of spraying and improve the control effect, especially in 1964-1973 indoors and outside the new pesticide citrus rust tick control test results, sorted out, for reference.
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救死扶伤八十年世间 惠及青城几代人——记发展中的呼和浩特市第一医院@赵春生@文亚平 Rescuing the wounded and rehabilitating the wounded 80 years of the world Bene
江西省永修县林科所,近两年来,对土白蚁进行了人工挖巢,化学防治,生物防治等多次试验,发现用烟剂熏杀简便有效,省工省钱,易于推广。一、具体做法 1.掌握白蚁分群规律。白蚁
<正>中国社会科学院的几位经济学家 患了糖尿病,服用几个疗程的中药后得以康复。据了解,药方系一位台湾 的徐姓中医所开,分为治疗糖尿病 (上消、中消、下消)不同的药方。 经
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听华语歌的人,因为唱片,一半给过他钱;因为盗版,一半欠过他钱。    台湾是个充满传说的地方,吊诡又传奇。这里的政坛像娱乐,音乐像革命,作家都坐过牢,会唱歌的人,最先牢记的人往往是江湖大佬。其实音乐人一直都有江湖气,因为他们要“跑码头,走街卖艺”。因为从他们拿起吉他那天起,想找个地方演出,但每个地段都似乎是某人的地盘。  所以,当段钟沂走进咖啡馆的时候,他比想象中要温和许多,从现在的容颜,完全无法