The effect of renal stones on serum adenosine aminohydrolase and AMP-aminohydrolase in Malaysia

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shilei881222
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Objective: To verify possible associations between adenosine aminohydrolase(ADA) and AMP-aminohydrolase(AMPDA) to E3 SUMO-protein ligase NSE2(NSMCE2) in patients with renal stones. And to isolate, purify and characterize ADA in patients with renal stones and healthy group.Methods: A total of 60 renal stones patients and 50 control were enrolled in a case-control study. The blood urea, creatinine, uric acid, protein, albumin, ADA and AMPDA were measured by colorimetric tests. The serum NSMCE2 was measured by ELISA.Results: Serum ADA, AMPDA and specii c activity of enzymes showed signii cant decrease(P < 0.05) in patients with renal stones compared to control group, mean levels of sera NSMCE2 and uric acid had a signii cant increase(P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively) in patients compared to control group.Conclusions: The present study suggests that ADA, AMP deaminase and NSMCE2 can be used as a indicator to monitor the DNA damage and inl ammation disorders in the patients with kidney stones. Objective: To verify the possible associations between adenosine aminohydrolase (ADA) and AMP-aminohydrolase (AMPDA) to E3 SUMO-protein ligase NSE2 (NSMCE2) in patients with renal stones. And to isolate, purify and characterize ADA in patients with renal stones and healthy group.Methods: A total of 60 renal stones patients and 50 control were enrolled in a case-control study. The blood urea, creatinine, uric acid, protein, albumin, ADA and AMPDA were measured by colorimetric tests. The serum NSMCE2 was measured by ELISA. Results: Serum ADA, AMPDA and specii c activity of enzymes showed signii cant decrease (P <0.05) in patients with renal stones compared to control group, mean levels of sera NSMCE2 and uric acid had a signii cant increase (P < 0.01 and P <0.05, respectively) in patients compared to control group. Conclusions: The present study suggests that ADA, AMP deaminase and NSMCE2 can be used as a indicator to monitor the DNA damage and inl ammation disorders in the patients with kidney s tones.
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接到老赵电话,让我去拿镶好的首饰。思索五秒钟,才想起是寄存他处的几粒蓝宝石。当年约定如下:有人买,出手;否则,镶首饰。三年后,买卖不成项链在。  这等事,一般人不告诉。  2011年,我跟同事到昌乐采访。彼时,昌乐蓝宝石价格飞涨,古火山的馈赠如巨大的索伦之眼,将一个北方县城全面纳入势力范围。这里的财富故事是传奇的、突如其来的,也是甚至畸形分裂的。宝石城在短时间内已经规划到七期,挥挥洒洒站了半个县城
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连续两届获得泉城文艺奖的作家段玉芝,近年来受到普遍关注。有评论家说,女性不应把自己关在笼子里,她同样面对的是时代变迁。以女性的视角,关注当代人的命运抉择,构成了与段玉芝类似的一批女性作家的创作源泉。  写作拉开了自己与生活的距离  1993年,大学毕业,段玉芝来到济南。她原本有一份稳定、收入不错的工作,后来为了去山大作家研究生班读书,辞去了工作,再后来又做编辑工作至今。“写作好像一直是业余,但从来
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