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一种奇特的疾病人们得了病,马上就会想到那些恶作剧的细菌或病毒,很少想到疾病与植物花粉有什么关系吧!有一种病确实是由花粉引起的,这就是“花粉病”,它的正式学名叫“枯草热”,有的医院把它放入变态反应科。花粉病是一种非常奇特的疾病,每年到了一定时候,就会自然而然的发生,过了一段时间,不用吃药打针又会自然地好起来,年年这样,周而复始,好像没有止境。这种病,对人体健康影响很大,犯病时,轻者不断流眼泪鼻涕,重者气喘不止,甚至完全不能工作。为了探讨这种病的奥秘,孢粉学家和医学家进行了长期的研究和实验,终于发现了这种病的起因是由于有些花粉含有一种特殊的蛋白质,这种蛋白质具有抗原的性质,它对某些人能引起过敏反应,每当这种植 A peculiar disease People get sick, they will immediately think of those mischievous bacteria or viruses, and rarely think of the disease and plant pollen have anything to do! There is a disease is indeed caused by pollen, which is “pollinosis”, it The official name is “hay fever”, and some hospitals put it into the allergy section. Pollen disease is a very peculiar disease. It occurs naturally at certain times of the year. After a certain period of time, it will naturally be better to take medicine without injections. It seems like there is no end to the year. This disease, a great impact on human health, when the disease, the light continued to shed tears, the more severe asthma, and even completely unable to work. In order to explore the mystery of this disease, long-term studies and experiments by sporopollenologists and medical scientists have finally found that the cause of this disease is that some pollen contains a special kind of protein that has the properties of antigen, It can cause an allergic reaction to some people whenever it is implanted
随着温室芹菜面积的不断扩大,芹菜斑枯病成了广大菜农的头痛之事。此病一旦蔓延,会给芹菜生产造成很大损失,甚至绝产。现将防治方法介绍如下: 1.控制温湿度 芹菜斑枯病发病
冬季由于气温低,袋料栽培香茹常出现块上不现蕾,产量低等现象。而用热水浸块的方法来催蕾,能使菇块的产量增加一倍。具体做法是: 1.选块:将发好菌的块或筒,充分转色干燥,选