Ultraviolet Spectrum of Nanometer Zinc Oxide Prepared by Sol-Gel Process

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shishaofei
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Zinc oxide nanometer powders were prepared by the sol-gel process.The sol and the powders characteristic of absorbing ultraviolet light is detected by the ultraviolet spectrometer.The results indicate the concentration of zinc acetate dihydrate in isopropyl alcohol solution and the final pH value of the aqueous sol have effect on the UV absorption of the sol. The nanometer zinc oxide has strong absorption at 200 nm~360 nm,and over 90% ultraviolet in the range of 200 nm~360 nm wavelength are absorbed.The characteristic of absorbing ultraviolet light of zinc oxide increases as the particle size of zinc oxide decreases. Zinc oxide nanometer powders were prepared by the sol-gel process. Sol and the powders characteristic of absorbing ultraviolet light detected by the ultraviolet spectrometer. The results of the concentration of zinc acetate dihydrate in isopropyl alcohol solution and the final pH value of the aqueous sol have effect on the UV absorption of the sol. The nanometer zinc oxide has a strong absorption at 200 nm ~ 360 nm, and over 90% ultraviolet in the range of 200 nm ~ 360 nm wavelengths. These characteristics of absorbing ultraviolet light of zinc oxide increases as the particle size of zinc oxide decreases.
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