在第一次世界大战前后,在中国北方出现了一个“华北财团”,这是一个以北洋军阀官僚为主体的资本集团。 华北财团的富豪们大都出身行伍,有的是归国留学生。他们的财产主要是在掌握政权以后,凭藉手中所掌握的军政权力,采用暴力手段掠夺来的。如:1913年,段祺瑞的三弟段祺勋,勾结军阀官僚靳云鹏、许世英等,在河北井陉开办了正丰煤矿公司,旋得知与其紧邻的凤山煤矿矿质极佳,便向凤山煤矿矿主金某接洽购买,当遭金某拒绝后,即派人向井陉知县张子清诬告金某贩卖毒品,并唆使张子清将其逮捕,拷打致死,然后
Before and after World War I, a “North China Consortium” emerged in northern China, a capital group dominated by bureaucrats in the Northern Warlords. Most of the rich in North China consortia are originating students, some returning students. Their property is mainly predominated by the power of military and political forces in the hands of those who have taken control of the regime and looted by means of violence. For example, in 1913, Duan Qirui’s third brother Duan Qiuxun and the warlord bureaucrats Jin Yunpeng and Xu Shiying set up Zhengfeng Coal Mine Company in Hebei Jingxing and learned that the mineral resources of the Fengshan coal mine nearby are excellent. When the gold master approached the purchase, he was sent to Jingjing Magistrate Zhang Ziqing to prosecute Jin’s drug trafficking and instigated Zhang Zicheng to arrest him and torture him to death.