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新闻发言工作是一项通过新闻媒体有效沟通与社会间的关系、树立与整合发言主体良好公众形象的公关行为。虽然新闻发言工作在社会上正日渐普及,但在我军宣传体制中,这还是一个新生事物。 新生事物的产生需要适合的土壤。1997年香港回归,担负实践“一国两制”历史使命的中国人民解放军奉命进驻,成为海内外舆论关注的焦点,也使驻军面临前所未有的舆论环境。香港这个“新闻自由”世界知名、舆论监督无处不在的国际都会,成为催生我军第一个新闻发言机构的热土。5年多来,香港驻军适应新环境,接受新规则,积极进行机构设置和工作 The news speech work is a public relations act that effectively communicates with the society through the news media and establishes and integrates a good public image of the main body of the speech. Although press work is becoming more and more popular in society, it is still a new thing in our military propaganda system. The birth of new things need suitable soil. The resignation of Hong Kong in 1997 and the fact that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has assumed the responsibility of practicing the historic mission of “one country, two systems” have become the focus of public opinion both at home and abroad. It has also exposed the garrison to an unprecedented media environment. Hong Kong, a world-renowned metropolis with “freedom of the press” and an oversea media center for monitoring public opinion, has become a hot spot for the birth of our army’s first press agency. Over the past 5 years, the Hong Kong Garrison has adapted to the new environment, accepted the new rules, and actively set up institutions and work
Since the Cession of Hong Kong for the British fince the news of speech terms is strictly limited,long-term Hong Kong rcsidents can not participate in local pol