
来源 :国外医学.护理学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwj2005
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不论内外科,肠道外营养已成为维持病人营养的有效方法,越来越多的患者正从中得到好处。但是,迄今尚缺乏专门用于婴儿的家庭全肠道外营养(HTPN)的可观研究,为此,作者报道8例这方面的经验,为将来系统、完善的婴儿HTPN提供有关资料。8例患儿年龄7~24月,均患有先天性、难以逆转的器质性消化系疾病,诸如短肠综合征、迥空肠闭锁、绒毛发育不良、特发性小肠梗阻等。他们均在生后60天以内开始95%以上的TPN(全肠道外营养),少数允许极少量进食。有的开始是住院TPN,以后改为HTPN。TPN总时间最短7个月,最长2年。经严格的Gessel标准评分法多次检查患儿生长发育等情况,获得满意效果。兹分以下几个方面介绍: A.实施方法:(1)病例选择—主要内科指征。a. Parenteral nutrition has become an effective method of maintaining patient nutrition, both in surgery and surgery, and more and more patients are benefiting from it. However, so far, there is a lack of considerable research on family-wide total parenteral nutrition (HTPN) for infants. To this end, the authors report on 8 cases of this experience and provide relevant information on the systematic and complete infant HTPN in the future. 8 cases of children aged 7 to 24 months, are suffering from congenital, difficult to reverse the organic digestive diseases, such as short bowel syndrome, uterine atresia, villous dysplasia, idiopathic intestinal obstruction. They all started over 95% of TPN (total parenteral nutrition) within 60 days of birth, and a few allowed very little food intake. Some started hospitalization TPN, later changed to HTPN. TPN total time of at least 7 months, up to 2 years. The strict Gessel standard scoring method to check children’s growth and development, etc., to obtain satisfactory results. The following points are introduced in the following points: A. Implementation methods: (1) case selection - the main indications for medical treatment. a.
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山东省单县时楼乡时楼村小学教师许福荣,在丈夫常年瘫痪在床、婆婆重病在身、家庭负债近万元的情况下,竭尽全力支持4个儿子安心部队服役,报效国家。 许福荣今年54岁,1963年
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