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1 提到格洛托夫斯基的大名,人们会马上想到他在表、导演方面进行的重大革新:台上台下活生生的交流。诉诸演员——观众之间活生生的亲切交流,进而打破演员与观众之间严格的分界,这正是格洛托夫斯基戏剧观的一个最为重要也是最为基本的方面,因为这不仅仅是戏剧表、导演技巧问题,从“技巧”的表层我们能够透视和把握格洛托夫斯基对戏剧本质及戏剧功用的独特理解。格洛托夫斯基提出演员与观众同时参与戏剧表演,首先是导源于戏剧艺术在当代社会中面临的艰难窘境。迅疾发展的影视业在技术上的优势,从剧场拉走了许多观众,能否与影视业竞争新的观众,甚或留住自己原有的观众,成了戏剧艺术能否继续生存下去的关键性问题。如何摆脱窘境,使戏剧艺术生命长在呢?看法做法各异。格洛托夫斯基认为,戏剧要生存就必须扬长避短。较之影视,戏剧的“长” 1 Referring to Grotowski’s famous name, one immediately remembers his major revolution in watches and directors: a lively exchange on the stage. Resort actor - living cordial exchanges between the audience, thus breaking the strict boundaries between actors and the audience, which is one of the most important Grotowski theater concept is the most fundamental ways, because this is not just Drama, director skills, from the surface of “skill” we can see and grasp the unique understanding of the nature and drama of Grotowski’s plays. Grotowski proposed that actors and spectators participate in theatrical performances at the same time, first of all deriving from the difficult dilemma of drama art in contemporary society. Swift development of the film and television industry in technical superiority, many viewers away from the theater, film and television industry and whether the new competition in the audience, or even retain their original audience, became the theater arts can continue to survive critical problem. How to get rid of the dilemma and make the life of theatrical art grow in different ways? Grotowski believes that drama must be based on weaknesses. Compared to the film and television drama, “long”
<正> 为探讨防治高脂血症和动脉硬化的新药物,我们以青州市山楂核片,先后在山东省青州市和淄博市辛店区,共治疗高脂血症264例,取得较满意效果。现将结果报告如下: 1 资料和方